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Before NAS's investment in the sector, everything had to be done by farmers themselves. Post harvest, they had to sort the apples manually as per colour, shape and size and pack them. This was followed by manual loading into trucks to transport this to faraway markets where they had to bear unethical commission and discounts charged by agents, over and above bearing the transportation expenses.

This process used to take many days and led to a lot of inconvenience to the farmers in the form of time and energy invested. The process does not end here. By the time the produce is sold in market, a substantial produce is wasted/ rotten due to improper handling, leading to further losses. Often, this process led to market glut, further deterring the situation for the farmers.


With NAS’s technology-driven business model, a lot has changed in favour of the farmers.


All that a farmer has to do now is to take the produce to the nearest NAS facilities, which are located much closer than traditional markets (mandis). They can even transport the produce in smaller quantities in the containers provided to them by NAS. Farmers' expenses now have gone down, and income has risen. No unethical commissions and expenses are borne by farmers to the agents at Markets, and no more market glut. 


The completely transparent system allows farmer to reap the rewards for their hard work, and the consumers enjoy high-quality, nutritious apples.

Our Offerings

We offer a variety of products ranging from field crops like Rice (Hybrid and Research), Corn, Pearl Millet, Mustard, Wheat and SSG to fresh, superior quality Vegetables like Hot Pepper, Potato, Tomato, Gourds and Coriander.

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